
Posts Tagged ‘intention’

The entire world is waiting for you to be successful at what you love doing. This is the message I received this morning.

Think about your Higher Self or whatever name you give to that part of you that is one with God and the Universe. That is pure energy and it is creative energy. In fact, that energy will actually attract to you the very thing that you are looking for. So, when you are doing your creative thing, you are sending out an energy like a signal, a beaming light into the Universe that says, “Hey, look over here at what I’m creating!” and the Universe begins to put into action the seemingly insignificant elements that might be serendipitous or coincidental at first, but will happen more and more often as we continue to be our creative selves. If you need scientific evidence of the Law of Attraction, read “The Intention Experiment,” by Lynne McTaggart. Remember, the entire world is waiting for you to be successful at what you love doing.earth
Here’s another thing that is important to remember: The Law of Karma, i.e., the law of reaping and sowing, you get what you give, cause and effect, etc. In putting your creativity “out there” in the ether, you’re sowing the seeds that will blossom into that ultimate success.

Everyone has talent; most people know exactly what it is, and doing it on a consistent basis and remaining in the “flow” of its energy is the best feeling one can experience. Being in the flow thereby gives one a great sense of worthiness and confidence, also called faith. Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see”. Having faith comes with some other labels we use as well: commitment, perseverance, determination. How many articles or books have you read about successful people who all say that “sticking to it” or “refusing to lose” was what it took to be successful? The entire world is waiting for you to be successful at what you love doing.

“Why would the entire world be waiting on me,” you ask? Well, think of it this way. Let’s say you’re a painter. You paint with enthusiasm and energy; you bring your energy to this painting, which someone sees and purchases. They are not only supporting you, but they do so because they are inspired by your talent and LOVE the product (read outcome or output). That painting inspires your customer to make a beautiful piece of jewelry, into which they pour love and positive pure energy. The piece is purchased by a struggling songwriter, who is inspired to write a beautiful piece with soring melodies and emotional harmonies, so beautiful it attracts a recording artist to record it for the entire world to hear. As so it goes. Even if the entire world doesn’t see the picture or hear the song, think about how many artists are very successful without much recognition. How may million-selling songs in this country have hardly any air time in other parts of the world? Still, someone, somewhere gets inspired – creativity truly is the seed for success. The entire world is waiting for you to be successful at what you love doing.

Now, think about potential. Think about possibility. When we think about how we perceive possibility and potential, we can see that if we shift our perception about what is possible, we can get into a more positive state of mind, which puts us in the flow or in tune with our Higher Selves. Have all the beautiful songs already been written? No. So, is it possible that I could write the most beautiful song in the world? Yes. Do I have the potential meaning, the training, background and je ne sais quoi to write this beautiful piece? Yes, I do. If your answer to that last question is no, then simply continue your training, be committed and it will come.

If you’re a spiritual person, you know and understand that all we really need is between our two ears. We possess, or have access to, all that has ever been and all that will ever be by connecting with our Higher Selves. The Akashic Records, out of body experiences, and lucid dreaming provide fertile creative experience and understanding that is available to all through meditation. Simply put, we make a contract with our Higher Self that says something like, “I am committed to this (enter desired outcome) and I call on God and the Universe to allow me to express my creativity in the way that best suits my intended outcome.” By making this soul contract, you circumvent the Ego and go directly to the Source. And that Source is the most powerful energy in the known Universe.

So, if the entire world is waiting for us to be successful at what we love doing, why are we struggling? What doesn’t everyone simply do what they came for? The answer is what I call fear conditioning. We have analysis paralysis and are so scared of failure, scared of looking silly, disappointing ourselves or others, we’re not good enough, talented enough, smart enough, or attractive enough, that we can’t support ourselves or maintain any level of success, assuming we ever achieve it in the first place.

Simply put, we are so down on ourselves that we don’t allow for the possibility that maybe, just maybe, there is the potential that we can realize our greatness. We are constantly telling ourselves that “we need this in order to succeed,” we fail to understand that we had what we needed all along and we should get started and stay on task until we begin to see some progress. And once we have that progress, we continue to pour creative energy into it.

We all have distractions in life; “…it moves pretty fast” to quote Ferris Bueller. We have PTA and kids and cars that need to go to the shop and Sunday School and we have vacations wherein we need to get a lot of fun in before it’s over. We stress over work, job career, we smoke and drink to relieve the stress, when it actually makes the stress worse! Maybe, just maybe we should slow down, get in the flow and breathe, then with quiet resolution, make this soul contract and release these other things, to the extent that we can and make a little time to commit to fulfilling our greatest potential. We all have greatness inherent, for we are the sons and daughters of God.

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