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After having listened to an interview with Neale Donald Walsh last night, it came to me this morning:  “Don’t be a resource, be THE source.” Define The Source as God, The Creator, The Universe and us being a channel for that Source.

In my career, I’ve always been about “value-added selling,” an industry term meaning to bring something to the table other than price, often referred to in marketing circles as a “unique selling position.”  I would liken the unique selling position to being a resource: “Rather than being a marketing guy, I’m here to help you solve your problem,” or “Don’t think of me as a salesman, but instead as a consultant, with many, many years industry experience.” These are common approaches used in marketing anything from vacuum cleaners to financial services.

Being a resource is a great thing and a proven sales technique. But the world is changing. Remember 20 years ago when personal computers were just beginning to catch on; then 5 years after that the Internet? Then cell phones, now smart phones? A unique selling position was all well and good for the Fuller Brush Man, but the world is drastically different now.  Being a resource doesn’t bring much value anymore, because anyone can hop onto Google or YouTube and learn anything about anything.  Suddenly, everyone is a perceived “expert.” There are plenty of resources on the Internet – I bet your “Favorites” folder is full of them.

So, how do we go from being a resource, to being THE source? Think about it – THE source would be an expert in the field, something like your wingman. A wingman is there to bounce stuff off of, see what works, what makes sense and what’s a waste of time. A wingman might be a friend, sibling or significant other. But what if you did like Norman Vincent Peale suggests in, “The Power of Positive Thinking” and had God as your wingman? Take a moment to process that; what if God were my wingman? What could I accomplish? What would be possible? How different would my life be?

The truth is, we all have access to God as our Wingman; we simply forget the promise, “I am with you always.” In this day of gadgetry and broadband, it’s easy to forget who we are and in doing so, we lose connection with the Great Beyond–that other dimension which is timeless and endless. But if we want to differentiate ourselves from the crowd and be THE source, what better way than to invite The REAL Source of all to be our Wingman? “God as our business partner” as Peale put it.

I suspect most would agree that given the opportunity to bring a unique selling position to the playing field or to bring God as your Wingman, we’d much rather have the latter. It’s not a stretch really, to imagine God right there in the passenger seat of the car with you; “Well Sir, what do you thing about this?” and wait for the answer. That’s what Neale Donald Walsh did when writing his “Conversations With God.”

We all have that connection, as Marianne Williams so eloquently puts it:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others.

If we practice connecting with God, it will come; and when it does, it can transform our lives. As we each transform, we become part of the Collective Consciousness shift that is taking place all around the world. Connect with it, channel it, be it and send it back out.  And don’t be just a resource–You’re so much more powerful than that.

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